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Welcome to Gong Group

Regardless of how we may interpret quantum mechanics, there are many fascinating questions concerning the dynamics of quantum systems at few-body and many-body levels. New insights into quantum dynamics can help us to understand the long-standing quantum-classical transition and lead to better strategies towards quantum computation and quantum simulation, quantum learning, and energy conversion at the nanoscale.

Ongoing research topics in Gong’s group include quantum dynamics control, quantum simulation, topological phases of matter, quantum chaos, and quantum thermodynamics. In particular, non-equilibrium topological phases of matter are being explored for fundamental interest and for new protocols in quantum computation and quantum information transfer. To that end we focus on the connection between quantum dynamics and topology. How to design and then exploit new quantum measurement schemes is our long-term research agenda. We also collaborate with the Loh group at CQT with the goal of using Rydberg atom arrays to advance new frontiers in topological matter and many-body quantum chaos.

Group News


  • Gong Group welcomes several new group members.
  • Two more group members, Senmao & Nannan have completed their PhD studies in Gong group.
  • Thomas Tuloup delivered a beautiful PhD defense talk in Oct 2023.  Congratulations to Thomas.
  • Congratulations to Liu Xi for a successful PhD defense on "Adiabatic Dynamics in Linear and Nonlinear Systems" in Apr 2023.
  • Congratulations to Wei Xin. He just defended his PhD thesis (non-Hermitian Physics) in March, 2023.
  • Our latest finding by Dr. Qiao Lei and Prof. Gong, useful for reading and storing quantum information, is featured by CQT.  Read details here.


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